2008-2009 2006-2007 2004-2005 2001-2003 1999-2001

LNS Group

TheLNS Group develop, produces and distributes machine tools peripherals:

Activities of LNS Group

The HQ is located in Orvin near Bienne in Switzerland.

You want to get an idea of the activities of this company ? Look at the short video presentation bellow :


I founded BlueBotics SA in 2001 together with collegues of the Autonomous System Lab of EPFL.
It is today one of the major actor in Europe in the field of service robotics.

You want to get an idea of the activities of this company ? Look at the short video presentations bellow :


Following my master thesis, I worked as research assistant at the Autonomous Systems Lab - EPFL, now part of ETHZ.

My research area was Field and Space Robotics.

Some samples of robots developped by ASL :